2010년 3월 30일 화요일

Hansik cookbook wins Gourmand Awards

This is the 22nd installment of a series that will delve into the current movement towards the globalization of Korean cuisine from a variety of perspectives. The series will explore hansik's past and present, its global potential, and efforts that are being made to promote it to the world. - Ed.
By Jean Oh
The globalization of a nation's cuisine happens on many different levels. The most obvious players, of course, are restaurants and food markets. But there is also the silent partner, the one sitting in bookstores, waiting to picked up by an eager cook, whisked off to a kitchen and put to use.
The cookbook - as evidenced by the lasting power of Julia Child and her "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" - is a powerful tool. So when news broke that "The Beauty of Korean Food: With 100 Best-Loved Recipes" won two Gourmand World Cookbook Awards, the first question that popped up was: Could this cookbook do for hansik what "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" did for French food?
It is a bit early in the game to tell, but earning two stamps of approval from an international competition is a good way to start.
Founded in 1995 by Edouard Cointreau, the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards can be seen as a sort of international beauty pageant of the book world. According to the cookbook awards' official website (http://www.cookbookfair.com/), food and wine books up for the "Best in the World" competition initially qualify on a national level before going on to the international round. Last year, publications from 136 countries participated in the competition.
For 2010, "The Beauty of Korean Food" won a Special Award for its French translation and another award for its English translation. The book and its various translations were carried out by the Institute of Traditional Korean Food as part of the Research and Development Project for the Standardization of Korean Cuisine, a project supported by the Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, and the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.
The translator of the French version, professor Lee Hong of the Department of French Culture at Inha University, traveled to Paris in February to receive the award.
"I was very honored when I had the chance to meet Mr. Cointreau, who is a very well-known personality of foreign and international cooking and food," said Lee.
Still aglow from his trip, from the rush of conferences and food demonstrations and the hour-long lecture he held on Korean food at the five-day event, the Paris-born translator related the challenges he faced while working on "Beaute de la Cuisine Coreenne," the French version of the cookbook.
"Some ingredients are very famous in Korea but you can't find them in France," Lee began.
Lee related how he looked at dictionaries, books and photos to find the correct terms for the ingredients.
"It was sometimes very hard because I had to spend two or three days on one word."
The whole translation process, according to Lee, took around eight to 10 months.
The English translation was no exception. Ham Ki-yung, co-translator with Richard Harris for the English version, also said that it was somewhat hard to express the ingredients in English.
Of the award, Ham said, "I was not expecting it ... and I am proud of it."
When asked via e-mail why "The Beauty of Korean Food" merited an award, Gourmand World Cookbook Awards president and founder Edouard Cointreau answered: "This book is very important as a cultural bridge between countries, and generations."
"Communication and correct translation is a key complement to research and culinary expertise," he said.
"All winners receive a special edition Swarovski trophy designed for the Gourmand Awards, and a certificate, if they attend the event. Special Awards are very important, usually one per country, maybe," he continued, revealing that there were 27 books in the Special Awards category this year.
Though the book's principal researcher, the Institute of Traditional Korean Food director Yoon Sook-ja, was not present at the ceremony, she expressed her thoughts on the awards.
"I think that it is also an important award on a national level," said Yoon.
When asked what aspect of the book contributes the most to the globalization of hansik, Yoon answered: "I think the part that best aids the globalization of hansik is that it was able to inform people about the way that Korean cuisine should taste."
The English version of "The Beauty of Korean Food: With 100 Best-Loved Recipes" was published by Hollym in 2007. The book is also available in Korean, Japanese, Chinese and French.

Vancouver Winter Olympics

한국 동계올림픽 5위, 아시아 최고
캐나다 밴쿠버에서 동계스포츠 역사를 새로 쓴 한국이 최다 메달 기록도 갈아치웠다. 한국은 이번 대회에서 금메달 6개, 은메달 6개, 동메달 2개 등 총 14개 의 메달을 획득해 2006년 토리노동계올림픽에서 땄던 메달 11개(금6, 은3, 동2개)를 4년만에 경신했다. 이로써 한국은 캐나다 (금14), 독일 (10), 그리고 금 9개를 획득한 미국과 노르웨이에 이어 5위를 마크했다 중국(금5)은 7위 일본은 20위를 기록했다.
금메달 숫자는 4년 전과 똑같지만 질적인 면에서는 천양지차라고 할 수 있다.
토리노올림픽에서 한국은 쇼트트랙에서 안현수와 진선유가 남녀 3관왕씩을 차지 한 덕분에 금메달 6개로 국가별 종합순위 7위에 오를 수 있었지만 나머지 종목에서 딴 메달은 스피드스케이팅 남자 500m에서 이강석이 획득한 동메달이 유일했다. 하지만 한국은 이번 밴쿠버동계올림픽에서 처음으로 빙상 3개 종목에서 모두 금 메달을 획득하면서 새로운 지평을 열었다.

South Korea finished fifth in the overall medal standing at the Vancouver Winter Olympics, with a record 14 medals won in the 17-day long event that drew to a close Sunday, according to Yonhap News.
The country sent 46 athletes to compete in skating, Alpine skiing, luge and bobsleigh events as well as the biathlon, and collected six gold, six silver and two bronze medals.
The overall medal haul is the largest for the country in a Winter Olympics since it made its debut appearance in the St. Moritz Games in 1948.
Team officials said that South Korea's predominance in short track speed skating suffered setbacks in the face of stiff challengers from countries like China, and only won two golds compared to the six won in the 2006 Olympics in Turin.
They, however, said Korean athletes started to make their presence known in the long track speed skating competitions by winning three golds and two silvers with surprise performances from skaters such as Mo Tae-bum and Lee Sang-hwa, who won the men's and women's 500 meter track competitions, respectively.
Lee Seung-hoon also became the first Asian to win an Olympic title in the long-distance men's 10,000 meter race and set a new Olympic record.